by Tina Wynecoop
• Colbert Road/Little Spokane Drive graveled connector trail completed
• Crosswalk signage installed at Pine River Park •Annual Meeting/Auction successful
• Membership to FLSRV increased
• Roadside litter in LSRV removed
• Monthly FLSRV board meetings held
• Mead to Mt. Spokane Highway 2 public input design meetings attended
• FLSRV newsletters and notices published/mailed
• FLSRV website ( updated
• Water Quality testing on Little Spokane River, Little Deep Creek, Deadman Creek performed monthly
• Trails brochure and map revised and updated
• Fred Meyers community $$ rewards program added a few new supporters
•Jack Nisbet 7th annual spring hike at Teleford well-attended and enjoyed
• Amazon’s fundraising for non-profits program signed up a few more FLSRV supporters
• Fairwood Farmer’s Market booth staffed to inform community about FLSRV
• “Children of the Sun” Trail litter pickup completed three times between Hwy 2-Hwy 395
• Website made “mobile device friendly”
• Members, volunteers, and donors contributed to the on-going success of FLSRV
• Design and engineering plans for the next phase of trail-building (Midway Road to Colbert Road) nearly completed
Thank you each and every one…our review of
2020 accomplishments is only 12 months away!