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Robert Hylton

Come See The Butterflies!

The following three events are being led by John Baumann.

If you want to go with him please contact him at 327-4827 or email Reservations must be made in advance.

Little Spokane Butterfly Walk Date: Saturday, May 25th, 2013 � Time: 10:30am � Limit: 16 participants

Among the richest and most conveniently located of butterfly habitats in Spokane County is the area where the Little Spokane River approaches the Spokane River proper. The south facing canyon encompassed by the Van Horn-Edburg-Bass Conservancy yielded three new county butterfly species occurrence records in May 2012, and could have even more surprises for careful observers this coming spring! Our mid-day walk will proceed a mile or so up this canyon to find all three locally occurring swallowtail species, plus spring hairstreaks and blues, including both the Eastern and Western Tailed Blues. Mourning Cloaks, Commas, Crescents and perhaps even the uncommon little Arctic Skipper will appear. Bring a sack lunch, cameras, nets and close focusing binoculars to enjoy this 4-6 hour outing.

McKenzie Conservation Area Butterfly Walk, with Inland Northwest Land Trust Date: June 15, 2013 � Time: 10:30am � Limit: 16 participants

Join us at this beautiful little protected habitat on the northwest shores of Newman Lake for a good introduction to bog loving and boreal butterfly species of the Inland Northwest. See Swallowtails, the Greenish Blue, Northern Crescents, Tortoiseshells and maybe the uncommon Long Dash skipper. If lucky, we may catch a glimpse of the Silver Bordered Fritillary, a Washington State species of concern, and the lovely day flying Elegant Sheep Moth also finds a haven here. The hike is relatively short and flat, and will take us to the lake shore where we can share brown bag lunches at Turtle Rock. Total distance perhaps a bit over 2 miles round trip. Parking at the Trailhead is limited so we will need to work together to arrange some carpools for a group of 16 to be there.

Audubon Butterfly Observation Field Trip to Mt Kit Carson Date: Saturday, July 13, 2013 � Time: 10:30am � Limit: 20 participants

Join our 1st Audubon butterfly walk! Regional higher elevation species reach their peak numbers in our area on the lush, flowered meadows of Mt. Kit Carson, a two mile hike (one way) in from the Upper Loop Rd parking lot. Look for abundant Clodius Parnassians, Pale and Tiger Swallowtails, Edith’s and Blue Coppers, several species of Blues and all three of our local Anglewings. Greater and Lesser Fritillaries are common. Best of all, the trails leading in to the alpine meadows themselves are flowered with spreading dogbane that draws numbers of the now uncommon and pretty little West Coast Lady, where she appears in numbers from mid to late summer. We’ll meet at the Kit Carson Upper Loop trailhead and slowly meander up the trail to spend time for a sack lunch (you provide) at the CCC Cabin picnic area where hikers will be able to decide how much of the remaining 1.5 mile trek they want to make: only the last .5 mile climbs very steeply, but those who make the effort will be well rewarded by beautiful vistas and opportunities to sight more than 20 butterfly species in one day. We should return by 4:30pm at the latest.

A note for those new to “butterflying”: These creatures may be observed with close focusing, compact binoculars (e.g., Pentax Papilio), or by netting them and showing them to others in observation jars before releasing them again unharmed. John will also share tips on butterfly photography for the shutterbugs in our midst, and be assured that even pocket cameras with a “macro” mode can produce nice results.

Lindell Haggin, 509-466-4118

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