We came into existence in 1996 when a developer initiated a project that would impact the beauty, housing density, and rural feel of the Valley. Over the years we have:
• Raised county awareness of storm-water run-off into the Little Spokane River resulting in county re-design to mitigate
•Assisted the county in maintenance of Pine River Park during several low budget years
•Assisted Spokane Conservation district in monthly water quality monitoring including equipment purchases
• Supported Conservation Futures applications and played an instrumental part in county purchase of Haynes Conservation District
• Planted native species and installed hard landscape in Haynes Conservation District and along other trail sections
• Developed and installed signage at the entrance to the Valley and along the trail system including our “Walking Heron” logo
• Supported the updating of the Pine River Entrance sign
• Provided significant input for the aesthetic design of three bridges over our river and retaining walls in the Valley
• Gathered and continue to share historical stories about the Valley
• Developed and publish a semi-annual newsletter
• Developed and implemented a website FLSRV.org
• Sponsor an annual cleanup day throughout the valley with collection of several tons of garbage (April 22nd this year, 2017)
• Adopted a section of the new Children of the Sun trail, which is along the new North-South Corridor, for ongoing clean-up four times per year
• Provided input into the County Comprehensive Plan resulting in limiting housing density and a requirement for trails and sidewalks to be included in future development
• Organized a meeting for public input to development of a trail system in the Valley Planned, built and maintain over 15 miles of multi-use trails in our Valley
• Sponsored four Eagle Scout projects resulting in benches and kiosks along the trail system which we continue to maintain
• Provide doggie doo dispensers along trails
• Secured generous grants worth several thousand dollars for trail development, construction and signage
• Educated public officials regarding issues related to Little Spokane River Valley Organize annual educational walks with renowned naturalist and author Jack Nisbet (May 6th this year)
• Organize an annual meeting and fund raising auction
• This year we are in the process of extending the trails with an addition of 1000 feet along Colbert Rd. from the bridge to Little Spokane Drive
• Improved the safety for school children walking to and from school and to the Northside pool
• Memorial bricks engraved and placed at kiosk to honor residents who have made a positive impact in our community
When you join this organization you help to promote ongoing projects as opportunities arise.
Please consider joining our neighborhood family by becoming a member http://www.flsrv.org/wp/join