Trail design update for the west side of Little Spokane Drive from Midway Road to Colbert Road is progressing slowly. I updated the drawing set per comments from Spokane County in June 2021 but waiting to secure some of the easements we need before we can resubmit the set. We’ve had a couple residences change hands and unable to get the easement through the cattails for the boardwalk, so we are looking at different options for that.
Last spring, we built the continuation of the trail we started one year ago beginning at the Colbert Road intersection, we had two trees removed and were able to ramp up the hill having the trail along the edge of the bank and still be within the right of way; it continues all the way down to View Lane. At View Lane, however there is an existing culvert crossing under Little Spokane Drive that is mostly silted in, we are still impatiently waiting for the county road maintenance to blast it out before we can install our catch basin and extend a culvert under the new trail, hoping to accomplish that this fall (not looking good).
The next piece south of View Lane to River View Drive will require a retaining wall and some soil relocation to another part of the trail (to be determined).
We are also looking at starting the piece at the Northwest corner of Midway that ramps up the hillside and goes along the top, waiting for another easement to be secured for that so we can save more trees and stay on what appears to be an old road that already exists across that property, will see what happens there.
We continue to depend on donations and look for grants, the grants are very specific and difficult to meet all the criteria to be able to apply for them, so we continue our search.
Hope you are getting out there and enjoying the trails we have completed so far!