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Robert Hylton

Valley Cleanup 2019

by Michael Kennedy

Friends of the Little Spokane River Valley held their annual cleanup day for the valley on Saturday, April 27, 2019. This year again we had one outside group to volunteer for the cleanup, Boy Scout Troop 218 with Richard Parish Scout Master. They did a great job covering from Ace Hardware to Hatch Road along Wandermere Road. Thanks again!

It turned out to be another big cleanup day with around 30 to 35 people, and we had enough volunteers to cover all the routes. Thanks to everyone who did show up! Our goal each year is to clean up most of the major roads in the valley from Wandermere to Perry; Shady Slope to the top of the hill; Dartford to Hazard Road; Hatch Road to the pool; and Golden Road, Midway, and Colbert Road including some new area along US 395.

We collected a lot of paper trash, miscellaneous wood, carpet, bottles, etc. Estimated total trash again was one of the largest hauls we have had in years. We had to move to Moose Park in Gleneden due to Shady Slope construction. We will most likely use Moose Park again next year. We will notify everybody in the Spring of our location.

After the cleanup, an annual chili feed was held at Bart and Lindell Hagen’s house for those who helped out. A big thank you to those responsible for a great meal: Dave Maccini and Lindell Haggin for the chili; Martha Schafer and Roberta Ellis for the cornbread; and Harla Jean Biever for the cookies. Thanks to all who helped with both cleanup and the cooking!

Please mark your calendars for next year’s cleanup scheduled in April, 2020. We will set the exact date this winter. We need your time and your continued support to help to keep our valley roadways clean. This is also a good way to get to know your neighbors!

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